Săptămâna aceasta se încheie foarte plăcut pentru noi. Simona HERB a primit numirea oficială ca terapeut centrat pe emoții (EFT), intrând astfel în comunitatea ICEEFT (The International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy).
„On behalf of ICEEFT and together with Rebecca Jorgensen, we are excited to congratulate Simona Herb, PhD, as a Certified EFT Therapist. CONGRATS Simona!
Simona really gets EFT. She got it through dedicated hard work and pioneering efforts. Simona travelled to the US from Romania many times to complete EFT trainings.
Simona was not only dedicated to her dream of becoming Certified, but also to introduce EFT to Romania. Along her journey to certification she’s translated materials, organized EFT training events across Romania and is nurturing the development of 4 budding EFT communities. To date over 300 therapists have come to events because of her efforts, two groups of Core Skills in different cities have graduated, and the 3rd Romanian externship (coming up next week) has another 60+ therapists registered and excited to learn. All that is happening in two years in a country that does not have yet the infrastructure to create a community! Simona is changing it with her deep understanding of attachment, incredible resourcefulness and stamina.
Simona is warm, compassionate, fun and puts her client at ease so they can take new risks with each other. She keeps the attachment frame alive and can “walk around” in primary emotion in a gentle and lovely way.
Well done Simona. We’re happy for you and proud of you.”
– Judith Kellner & Rebecca Jorgensen
„Well done, Simona and thank you for all the great great work you have done to bring EFT to Romania – we at ICEEFT appreciate you.”
– Dr. Sue Johnson